Keeping Boutique Hotel Properties as Independent Hotels

The impressive spirit of wisdom and leadership that exists around the world to remain independent is alive and well and being celebrated consistently With the recent announcement of Hyatt purchasing Dream Hotels, this is the exact moment to reflect on big chains buying out smaller boutique brands. It may be a good move for the […]

The Comeback of the Travel Agent

How Travel Agents Could Be one of the Driving Forces That Helps Save the Industry The impact of the coronavirus continues to have reverberations throughout the world. On top of the devastating medical toll, certain industries are feeling the damaging financial consequences as well. Perhaps the industry most impacted by this disease is travel and […]

Boutique Hotels Helping Efforts on Global Pandemic

The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic has dramatically shifted life in the United States and across the world for everyone. With the emergence of an immediate, desperate need for spaces to house patients and medical staff, hotels are stepping up to the plate to fill the void. “Boutique hotels of a certain size are perfectly positioned to […]