When the yin changes, so will the yang

The future of post-pandemic hospitality Hygiene, flexibility, access to nature, sustainability, brands they can trust, and the option for longer stays and “workcations”. That was the prevailing narrative—as summed up in Expedia’s Travel Sentiment Survey 20/21—regarding what we’ll want as we begin traveling. But is that all travelers will want in 2021 and beyond? Now […]

Letting the Guest Lead the Way to Recovery

A look into a BLLA study on travelers perceptions of boutiques vs brands Here’s the $64 million dollar question: what’s on consumers’ minds as hospitality works through this phase of post-COVID recovery? And what, in particular, are they thinking and talking about when it comes to boutique hospitality? And most importantly, what do they DO […]

Turning Lemons into Limoncello

Reinventing service culture for an uncertain age The shape of a “re-start” has emerged. We don’t know when, exactly, but it’s starting to come, quite possibly within 30-60 days. It won’t be a flip of the switch, and conditions will vary by country, region, and even city, but its elements look likely to be: • […]