af&co and Carbonate Announce the 2021 Hospitality Trends Report: Do The Hustle

af&co.​, one of the country’s leading boutique restaurant and hospitality consulting firms, is thrilled to debut this year’s hospitality trends report. Celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, af&co. produces the report with its partner company​ ​Carbonate​, a new boutique creative services and brand communications agency that previously existed as its Consulting Services division. ​Do The […]

October 2020: New BLLA Hotel Members

The mission here at BLLA is to unite and be the voice for the world’s boutique hotels. We were created to unify, empower, educate and advocate for a growing community of creators within the dynamic realm of boutique lifestyle—not only establishing and maintaining industry standards, but boldly advancing its cultural impact and category innovation. Today, […]

The Hotel of the Future

Let’s allow ourselves to look beyond the near-future, beyond COVID-19, to where our industry should be aiming. So what will the next generation of hospitality look like? Creativity and experience will be at its core. The hotel of the future will be more like the hotel of the past. With so many properties stuck in […]

Embracing technology: evolving trends in the boutique hotel industry

2020 has become the year of reinvention for the hospitality industry, with boutique hotels around the world taking a hard look at their processes and shifting them to accommodate changing needs. As the dust begins to settle and our adjusted reality starts taking shape, some trends are here to stay. The importance of incorporating technology […]

Letting the Guest Lead the Way to Recovery

A look into a BLLA study on travelers perceptions of boutiques vs brands Here’s the $64 million dollar question: what’s on consumers’ minds as hospitality works through this phase of post-COVID recovery? And what, in particular, are they thinking and talking about when it comes to boutique hospitality? And most importantly, what do they DO […]

The Future of Boutique Hotel Technology

An Interview with Javier Segovia of Lutron Electronics Let’s begin by doing a quick overview of technology for boutique hotels. Can you give a brief synopsis of what technology you’re seeing gain traction? With boutique hotels, technology is typically approached one of two ways: First, there are the boutique hotels who forego technology altogether, preferring […]