The Surprising Solution for More Marketable Space

How flexible lighting gives boutique hotels an advantage in adapting to the current norm and returning to normal. Pick up any hospitality or restaurant-focused industry magazine and you’ll undoubtedly find some aspect of the post-COVID 19 era addressed within the pages. The discussion is decidedly two-pronged—anxiety about successfully navigating the new needs of the immediate […]

2 Mega Trends for post-COVID: Extended Stays & Remote Work

2020 has left the hotel industry in disarray. As countries continue to stumble in and out of lockdown, travelers are unable to make concrete vacation plans, and experts are predicting we may only see the return of international travel in 2023. Only 50% of hotels have been able to reopen in urban centers, and statistics […]

Navigating the ROI Impacts of COVID-19 on the Boutique Hotel Sector

Boutique properties are a unique class of hotels, with benefits and challenges that vary from their larger branded counterparts. In the wake of COVID-19, boutiques have had occupancies down, doors closing, and survival strategies to test out practically on the fly. Yet major ROI impact has led to new pivots and methods to keep these […]

When the yin changes, so will the yang

The future of post-pandemic hospitality Hygiene, flexibility, access to nature, sustainability, brands they can trust, and the option for longer stays and “workcations”. That was the prevailing narrative—as summed up in Expedia’s Travel Sentiment Survey 20/21—regarding what we’ll want as we begin traveling. But is that all travelers will want in 2021 and beyond? Now […]

Artificial Intelligence Meets Hospitality

Let’s face it, the world is technology centric – there is no going back.  As we move past the setbacks of 2020, a new year means new innovations.  Enter: the convergence of artificial intelligence and the hospitality industry.  A technology born in the 1950’s, AI has finally found its place in our home away from […]

Why Boutique Hotels Can’t Afford to Ignore Voice Channels

Outsourcing your hotel’s call center might be your next best decision For boutique hotels, it’s personalization of service that matters the most. In a bid to distinguish yourself from the larger chains, boutique hoteliers need to ensure the experiences they offer are unique and tailored to their guest’s needs. All Hands On Deck At the […]

How to Leverage Hotel Personnel in Your Media Relations Strategy

In an industry of flights, food and festivities, moving the travel experience off site and online was a challenge for travel and lifestyle communicators in 2020. When the physical experience itself is essential to familiarizing media and consumers with your brand, how do you replicate this for a digital world? The answer lies within — […]

The Hotel of the Future

Let’s allow ourselves to look beyond the near-future, beyond COVID-19, to where our industry should be aiming. So what will the next generation of hospitality look like? Creativity and experience will be at its core. The hotel of the future will be more like the hotel of the past. With so many properties stuck in […]

Embracing technology: evolving trends in the boutique hotel industry

2020 has become the year of reinvention for the hospitality industry, with boutique hotels around the world taking a hard look at their processes and shifting them to accommodate changing needs. As the dust begins to settle and our adjusted reality starts taking shape, some trends are here to stay. The importance of incorporating technology […]

The Future of Boutique Hotel Technology

An Interview with Javier Segovia of Lutron Electronics Let’s begin by doing a quick overview of technology for boutique hotels. Can you give a brief synopsis of what technology you’re seeing gain traction? With boutique hotels, technology is typically approached one of two ways: First, there are the boutique hotels who forego technology altogether, preferring […]